Albany Creek  Rent
About Albany Creek
Albany Creek postcode 4035
Median Rent ($/Weekly):* 362
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly): 1387
Average Household Size: 3
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom: 1
Household Fully Owned Percentage: 30.9
Household Rented Percentage: 13.1
Family Household Percentage: 82.2
Total Persons : 15942
Total Males : 7843
Total Femals : 8099
Age Group (0-4 years) : 1105
Age Group (5-14 years) 1747
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons 35
Persons born overseas 2714
Main Country of birth which is not Australia: England
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia : 756
No of People Married : 7200
Married Percentage: 59.6
Labour Force: 8739
Employed Fulltime: 5436
Employed Full Time Percentage: 62.2
Main Occupation: Professionals
Number of Main Occupation: 1719
Main Occupation Percentage: 20.2
Main Industry of Employment: School Education
Main Industry of Employment Numbers: 501
Main Industry of Employment Percentage: 5.9
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly): 586
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) : 1451
Median Family Income ($/Weekly): 1579
Number of Families: 4360
Number of Families With Children: 2591
Total Private Dwellings: 5454
Albany Creek is a suburb located approximately 17 kilometres north-west of Brisbane, Australia; about a half hour drive to the central business district.

The suburb of Albany Creek was originally established on the intersection of two aboriginal tracks.

Albany Creek has one state high school and three primary schools. It is a major suburban service centre within the Moreton Bay Regional Council, featuring fast food restaurants, a council branch library, a municipal pool, and a bus interchange. Albany Creek also has two shopping centres, one including a Woolworths, an Aldi and Centro Albany Creek, which includes a Coles supermarket. Several smaller shopping facilities are also located along Albany Creek Rd. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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