Russell  Rent
About Russell
Russell postcode 2600
Median Rent ($/Weekly):*
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly):
Average Household Size:
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom:
Household Fully Owned Percentage:
Household Rented Percentage:
Family Household Percentage:
Total Persons :
Total Males :
Total Femals :
Age Group (0-4 years) :
Age Group (5-14 years)
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons
Persons born overseas
Main Country of birth which is not Australia:
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia :
No of People Married :
Married Percentage:
Labour Force:
Employed Fulltime:
Employed Full Time Percentage:
Main Occupation:
Number of Main Occupation:
Main Occupation Percentage:
Main Industry of Employment:
Main Industry of Employment Numbers:
Main Industry of Employment Percentage:
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly):
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) :
Median Family Income ($/Weekly):
Number of Families:
Number of Families With Children:
Total Private Dwellings:
Russell is a suburb of Canberra, Australia in the North Canberra district.

Russell is one of the smallest suburbs in Canberra, comprising a number of government offices but no private residences. It is probably best known for the headquarters of the Australian Defence Force, which is housed in the Russell Offices complex.

The suburb name has been associated with the locality for many years; Surveyor Charles Scrivener gave the name 'Russell' to an adjacent trigonometrical station in about 1910 and later adopted the name for an early settlement in the locality. The streets in Russell are named after armed services personnel. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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